Practice Areas

Campaign finance

New York State now provides public money to help people run for office. Candidates for New York State positions in 2024 elections will be able to apply for public funding of their campaigns via the newly established New York State Public Campaign Finance Board. New York City has long had a public funding program for local elections, a system Leo Glickman has worked with for over 20 years—uniquely positioning him to advise New York State candidates.

New York State’s new campaign finance program provides campaign funds for each office: 

  • Candidates for the New York State Assembly will be eligible to receive up to $175,000 in public funds to run their campaign
  • Candidates for the State Senate will be eligible to receive up to $375,000 for the primary and again for the general election, for a total of $750,000.  
  • Candidates for Statewide offices are eligible to receive as much as $3.5 million for each the primary and for the general election, for a total of $7 million.  

Maximum funding available to New York City political campaigns in New York City’s public funding program expanded in the 2021 election cycle: 

  • Candidates for NYC Council may be eligible to receive up to $184,000 for the primary and again for the general election. 
  • Candidates for mayor can receive up to $7,050,000
  • Candidates for Public Advocate and Borough Presidents have maximums between these two amounts.  

Prior to representing candidates in private practice, Glickman worked for the NYC Campaign Finance Board where he led the unit that assisted campaigns to access the program. For the last 20 years he has assisted campaigns navigate the New York City Campaign Finance system through his law practice, Stoll, Glickman & Bellina, making him uniquely positioned to help your campaign maximize its access to these funds.  

With the amount of public and private money in campaigns growing, the laws regulating fundraising and use of campaign money are increasingly complex. Stoll, Glickman & Bellina has a wealth of experience to help you maximize funding of your campaign and stay out of trouble. 

Call Leo Glickman today, at (718) 852-3710.