Practice Areas

Challenging others’ claim to be on the ballot

Competition in a democracy is good.  But it has to be fair. Too often, we’ve seen people working for candidates, if not the candidates themselves, submit fraudulent signatures to get on the ballot.  

Nobody has a right to be a candidate.  You must obtain enough valid signatures to prove that you have real grassroots support as a bona fide candidate and you’re not just trying to be a spoiler.  

If you think an opponent has not met the thresholds needed to get on the ballot, you will need a lawyer to try to keep that potential candidate off the ballot. Leo Glickman has successfully used administrative procedures at the Board of Elections and sued in court to keep candidates off the ballot who did not earn that privilege.

And if your opponent tries to knock you off the ballot, Leo Glickman can represent you vigorously to maintain your name on the ballot.